Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whipping, t-stops and woe is me.

Very pleased with the fact that last nights practice focused on skating skills, just as I wished! My back got a bit sore towards the end, but the thing that really bothers me is that I felt I was afraid of falling and twisting my back which meant that I felt restricted the whole time (and meant that I couldn't really work on toestop-walking or stopping). Otherwise it was a nice practice, and I'm really glad my back didn't start hurting! I'm quite sore today so it feels nice to have a doctor's appointment next week so I can get some help figuring out what's going on in there. Anyways, I got to try whipping for the first time last night which was a lot of fun! We also practiced skating backwards which at first seemed absolutely impossible but after a few rounds started to make more sense. This is something I like about rollerskating, what seems impossible often isn't. Apart from t-stops then, I just can't figure it out. Oh well, I'll blame that failure on my sore back ;)