Sunday, August 4, 2013

Det går framåt

Livet kom emellan mig och bloggen, men inte mig och debyn! Det var längesen jag skrev och mycket har hänt. Det går stadigt framåt och äntligen har jag klarat flera av de saker som kändes omöjliga i början, t.ex. hoppen, t-stopen och 25 på 5. Är inget pro (än, hehe) men har förhoppningen och ambitionen att klara min skills i slutet av september. Dock har vi tvingats ta ett långt sommaruppehåll pga hallbrist, och i samband med det tog jag sommarlov från annan träning också... Inte bra, men det har varit ganska skönt faktiskt! Har hunnit med ett par uterull dock, och igår representerade jag laget i prideparaden i Stockhom. Väldigt fint.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Äh, vi kör på svenska istället va!

Minns inte riktigt varför jag bestämde mig för att skriva på engelska, men jag har nog inte direkt någon större läsarkrets utan skriver ju mest för min egen skull så nu testar jag svenska ett tag!

Igår skulle vi ha bootcamp med gästtränare och minimum skills-test. Dock blev vår gäst tyvärr sjuk vilket var jättesynd, men det var en givande dag ändå. Vi körde dodgeball, övade på min skillz-grejer, hade ett teoripass och körde scrimmage. Idag känns det dock som jag sprungit in i en betongvägg med ryggen först (aj aj aj), förstår inte riktigt varför? Nog att jag var slut efteråt men våra vanliga träningar brukar kännas hårdare? Dock ramlade jag ca en miljard gånger på slutet för jag var så trött att det inte gick på något annat sätt,plus fick till några rejäla kraschar när jag övade hopp.

När jag kom hem tänkte jag att det var omöjligt att jag skulle orka något mer, men en dusch, en öl och lite mat senare mötte jag upp resten av laget igen och festade loss. Så jävla käääär i alla dessa tjejer, fan helt sanslöst. Det finns så mycket kärlek och gemenskap mellan oss, blir helt galen i huvet när jag tänker på't!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New pads!

Got new knee pads (Destroyer pros) which I absolutely love. They stay put and the cushioning is great and I hardly think about them when I skate. Not too bulky (like I found the 187 pros) and with lots more padding (than the Pro-tecs). Speaking of knees and falling, I am quite pleased with myself because on this weeks practices, when I have fallen, I've done really great landings without really thinking about it. Like some sort of muscle memory that is finally there. Knowing I can fall properlymakes me feels safer and makes me dare more.

(Never mind the fact that during this wek I have also fallen flat on my butt...from standing still..... Oh man. Ouch.)

Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm back!

And I'm ready for a new derby year! After a long Christmas break (which I spent in bend due to a terrible cold) this week has been my two first proper practices this year. And they've been great! It feels soo good being back with my amazing team. This Monday we skated a LOT, and my groins have been killing me all week. I seriously had to lift my leg with my arms when I was putting socks on.. Ouch. Love it. We also tried 25 in 5, I managed to do 19 which I'm quite pleased about.

On Thursdays we usually start with 20 minutes of physical training (dunno if that's the right translation).Yesterday we focused on....legs. Haha, I feel okay today but I think I'll feel crippled by tomorrow. It was such a great practice yesterday, lots of laughing!

Our coach has also made us do both practices with small sponges in our armpits to stop of from using our hans and arms for balance and blocking. If you drop one = 5 pushups. I think it's absolutely genious and works really well!

Monday, December 10, 2012


I'm angry at my body for protesting against me playing roller derby. I've felt really strong and healthy since summer because I've been working out a lot, but obviously roller derby brings out all my weak spots and I'm terrified that I won't manage to keep up, because I'm so in love with this sport. My physiotherapist was great though, I'm going there on Thursday to get a training program for my back, and I'm going to ask him about why the hell my heel has been hurting so bad lately. So I'm not going to let it stop me, but feeling weak brings me down.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Best practice so far :)

Saturdays practice was such a blast!! There was only 6 of us and no coach so it started out looking like we'd just skate around aimlessly but we worked really hard and had such a good time. I finally managed to do a couple of t-stops and we also made the best use of all the space by practicing cross-overs and 25 laps in 5 minutes x 2. Made it to 19 before time ran out, but I feel that it's more about working on my technique and speed than my grade of fitness, since I wasn't that tired by the end. Yay for having worked out a lot since the beginning of June! Had no idea then, that I would be a roller girl by October, but very thankful for it now! I also desperately need new wheels but I just can't decide what to get, plus I don't have very much money at the moment. Luckily Christmas is coming up!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whipping, t-stops and woe is me.

Very pleased with the fact that last nights practice focused on skating skills, just as I wished! My back got a bit sore towards the end, but the thing that really bothers me is that I felt I was afraid of falling and twisting my back which meant that I felt restricted the whole time (and meant that I couldn't really work on toestop-walking or stopping). Otherwise it was a nice practice, and I'm really glad my back didn't start hurting! I'm quite sore today so it feels nice to have a doctor's appointment next week so I can get some help figuring out what's going on in there. Anyways, I got to try whipping for the first time last night which was a lot of fun! We also practiced skating backwards which at first seemed absolutely impossible but after a few rounds started to make more sense. This is something I like about rollerskating, what seems impossible often isn't. Apart from t-stops then, I just can't figure it out. Oh well, I'll blame that failure on my sore back ;)